Day 5 - Cooking for 4

Today was my last day 'living below the line'.

My menu for today:

Breakfast - Porridge with water and a brown sugar - 7p

Snack - a Banana - 13p

Lunch - Baked beans on a toasted brown roll - 20.5p

Snack - an Apple - 5p

Dinner - Spanish Risotto - 41p

Total spend = 86.5p 

My cheapest day!  I had a friend coming round for dinner this evening and anticipated I might need more of my budget to cater for that, so I decided to find a cheaper option for my lunch than the soup.   I had half a tin of baked beans left over from Tuesday's dinner so had those for lunch instead, saving me just over 10p, winner. 

This week I've discovered it's much cheaper to cook for more than one person - it takes the same amount of time to prepare the food, uses the same amount of pots, and gas, and is somehow cheaper.  Making meals for one just seem to cost more.  You can add cheap ingredients to a meal to make it go further and serve more people.  This evening the Spanish Risotto I made would have served 4, so I have another 2 portions which I can freeze for future meals!

Living below the line has taught me that living on a tight budget is possible, but you have to be very disciplined.  I've learnt there are lots of things I take for granted, and just assume that everyone can do/afford, when really that is not the case.  Going out for coffee with my friends was a no go - my favourite coffee in Starbucks costs £2.95, that's the equivalent of 3 days worth of food.  I couldn't just eat when I felt the slightest twinge of hunger or even boredom - every snack I ate meant my meal later on in the day would have to be cheaper.  I've learnt that it's possible to live on much less than I do and to save money by cooking in bulk and planning ahead - things I will try and do in the future.

People all over the world (1.4 billion to be a little more precise) go to bed hungry every day, that is more than 20 times the UK population.  This week has really challenged me about what I take for granted in my life and how easy I actually have it. 

Thank you for supporting me in my week of 'living below the line'.

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Day 4 - Eating out

Today, like the rest of this week, has started with porridge.  This morning I mixed in a little brown sugar, another of my more pricier toppings this week but it was worth it.

Instead of soup today, I splashed out, spending a little extra on having yesterdays dinner leftovers of the tuna kedgeree, which tasted just as good heated up this afternoon.

This evening I went out for dinner...yes I did.  I was invited round to my friends for dinner and after explaining to her that I was eating on a budget this week she challenged herself to cook on a budget for her whole family, and they did!  Joy cooked us up a treat of pasta with tinned tomatoes, red pepper, and some spices alongside some garlic bread and a smattering of grated cheese for the pricey sum of 32p each - winner!  Thank you Joy!

Today has felt pretty normal - no headaches, I didn't feel hungry too much and not really feeling tempted by food I have passed today.

Breakfast - Porridge and brown sugar = 7p
Snack - a banana = 13p
Lunch - leftover Tuna Kedgeree = 42p
Snack - an apple = 5p
Dinner - Pasta, tomato sauce, garlic bed and a sprinkle of cheese = 32p

Total spend = 99p

Before I attempted to 'live below the line' I wouldn't think twice about buying myself a chocolate bar for a snack, priced at anything between 50p and 80p, and that would just be in addition to the rest of my daily consumption.  I'm not saying that I'm not going to eat chocolate again, but this week has made me realise how I often take my wealth for granted and the things that I would have had every day feel like a luxury right now.

1 billion children all over the world live below the poverty line and it is not their choice.

Thank you for following my live below the line challenge so far, last day tomorrow...

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Day 3 - Mixing it up

Over half way in my 'live below the line' challenge now.  It's been a good day all round, not felt too hungry, although getting some peas out the freezer earlier I spied some Ben and Jerry's ice cream, and then it started waving at me.  Luckily I managed to peel myself away from the freezer pretty quickly.

Todays menu...

Breakfast - Porridge with water and a spoon of sugar - 6p

(Vast improvement on the sultanas and the sweetener)

Snack - Banana - 15p

Lunch - Spicy butternut squash soup - 31p

(Luckily I'm not bored of this yet)

Snack - an apple - 5p

Dinner - Tuna Kedgeree - 42p

This was probably my best dinner this week so far and I'm feeling full up from it too.  It made 2 portions, so I have another portion for tomorrow, although I did have to stop myself from demolishing both portions at the time.

It was really simple to make and didn't use many ingredients - this is how I made it:

Ingredients (for 2 portions)
1/2 an onion - 5p
125g rice - 5p
240ml water
Sprinkle of stock powder (optional)
1 tin of tuna - 49p
1 egg (hardboiled) - 15p
100g frozen peas - 10p

1 - Chop up the onion (I used a red onion) and fry until it goes soft.  

2 - Add the rice, stir in with the onion and then add the water.

3 - Bring to the boil and then turn the heat down, put the lid on and leave to cook for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally so it doesn't stick.  I also added a bit more water (about another 200ml as it dried out, but it's up to you what consistency you want your rice).

4 - I added a sprinkle of stock powder just to add to the taste and some seasoning.

5 - Add the peas and cook for another couple of minutes, until the rice has soaked up all the water.

6 - Chop up the boiled egg and add this and the drained tin of tuna and mix in.

Total spend = 99p

So far, this week has shown me just how frivolous I can be with food; how I waste so much that I don't deem to be edible and throw things out that I haven't eaten before they've gone bad.  I can't believe how little I have spent this week and how I have still managed to feed myself 3 decent meals a day.  I am not normally this organised.  Living below the line you have to plan ahead what you are going to eat, and make use of every item of food you have in the cupboards and fridge.  You can't afford to waste food.

My ethics have also been highlighted this week.  Some of my purchasing choices are not based on cost - for example, I could have saved money on eggs if I'd have bought caged hen eggs, but I only wanted to buy free range, meaning I had to pay more.  In everyday life I try and buy Fairtrade products when I can, but living below the line you don't always have the luxury of choice.

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Day 2 - I'm not bored of porridge yet...

I decided pretty early on that it would be better to buy in bulk and price up a portion of food, rather than go shopping with £5 and see what I could buy.  Buying in bulk enables a more varied diet but still within a budget.  You do need to have the ability to make large purchases up front though, outlaying more than £5 initially in order to have food in the house and ingredients to use.  I am lucky that I was able to do that, and haven't actually bought anything (other than a butternut squash) from the shops so far this week.

So, menu of the day consisted of:

Breakfast - Porridge, made with water and a drizzle of sultanas - 6p

This was alright, but I think I preferred it with the sweetener, it was, er, sweeter and less gloopy.  Might revert back to that or try something else, ooh excitement, watch this space.

Snack - a nectarine - 15p

Lunch - Spicy butternut squash soup - 31p

A few people have asked me for the recipe, so here it is:

Ingredients (for 6 portions)
1 x butternut squash - 75p
a sprinkle of nutmeg
2 x potatoes - 31p
2 x carrots - 15p
1 x onion - 18p
1 x chilli - 10p
1 pint veg stock - 7p 
a handful fresh coriander - 10p
200ml milk (optional) - 20p 

1 - Peel the butternut squash and cut it in half.  Put it in a baking tray with a small amount of water in the bottom to stop it from sticking to the pan.  Sprinkle some nutmeg on it and then put it in the oven and roast until soft.

2 - Put an onion, a chilli, 2 carrots and 2 potatoes, all chopped up into a pan and fry with a small amount of butter for about 10 minutes.

3 - Add a pint of stock and cook for a further 20 minutes.

4 - Remove the squash from the oven when cooked and cut into small pieces, then add to the stock mixture and cook for a further couple of minutes.

5 - You may want to add a little more stock at this point to bulk it out a bit and make it go further.  Blend with a hand blender until smooth.

6 - Add your milk to give it a smooth texture and blend/stir again.  

7 - Serve yourself a portion and put the rest in to plastic containers suitable for the freezer and freeze for another day!

Although I had this yesterday I still enjoyed it today.  I usually have the same thing for lunch everyday anyway as it's easy to prepare and I don't have to think about it before work!  It would maybe be a nice idea to make a few different soups and freeze them in portions so you can have a variety of flavours throughout the week.

Ok, my menu continued....

Snack - an apple - 5p

Dinner - a Jacket Potato with beans and a splattering of cheese - 43p

Total spend = £1

No headaches today so my body must be getting used to the lack of sugar/caffeine!  I've managed to resist a lot of cake and biscuits again today that were in the staff room at work so my self control is also getting a testing this week.

Thanks again to everyone who has already sponsored me and donated to Raleigh International!

Day 2 = complete.

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