The world is my oyster...

I can't believe it is Thursday already...this week has gone so fast...

My learning curve has again ascended this week, I learnt on Tuesday that my ironing is not up to scratch (when ironing jeans/trousers you should endeavour to iron the inside pockets, now you know), on Wednesday that oil based paint doesn't come out of hair easily and today (this was a reminder, I have learnt this before) with chillies comes with hazards.

Tomorrow is an exciting day at Bivouac...our electricity supply gets ramped up, let the good times roll.  In the meantime we have no electricity tomorrow, and neither do any of our neighbours...thanks to us 'upgrading'.

I always want to go on holiday, no joke, I always do.  If in doubt...go on holiday.  I am trying to decide where might be next at the moment, post April.

It is looking highly likely my next adventure will begin in April when we open and my volunteering time is done here in North Yorkshire.  I don't know what that might be, but that is quite exciting.  I genuinely feel as though I could do/apply for anything at the moment.  The big step was last year when I left my house/job/friends in Lincoln, so now I feel like I have the freedom and space to do anything I want.  The next step is working out what that is!  

Exciting times ahead!

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2012...the year of more adventures

Rubbishly, I haven't been very good at updating my blog.  It's crazy how busy it has got up here recently! I'll start with a small run down of my lifes events since November...

  • My car died in the snow and cold
  • I got a new car for my birthday - a Landrover no less
  • I had a birthday party in my dads wood in Essex
  • A tree fell down and crushed my friends Alex's car at the party
  • Alex's car is now back on the road
Here is the tree that did all the damage...

In other news, I got myself a niece...Mila Owen was born on 13th December.  She's pretty cute. And has already started swimming lessons.  She's a good egg.  We got to hang out quite a bit over Christmas, and hopefully we'll get to catch up again soon.

At the beginning of January, myself and my friend Alex, the one with the smashed car, took an impromptu trip to Switzerland for a weekend to visit our friends Vicky and Steve, and to meet their new lodger, Felix.  

Our trip consisted of walks in the Swiss Alps, swimming in thermal baths and a lot of 'firsts' for Felix.

The Kaye family 

Alex and Vicky on the Swiss Alps

Felix and me, kicking back

In work related news, things with Bivouac have been storming ahead.  We have one yurt completed, and the others arriving in a couple of weeks' time.  The first shack is almost complete inside and out, the barns are almost finished, and we have started taking bookings!  It's both exciting and scary to think we open in 7 weeks' time!

Shack 1

Yurt 1

The bunk barn

There is still a lot to do before we are ready to open, but everyone on site is working really hard to get it ready in time so I have every faith we will achieve our deadline!  This week we get the electricity boosted up significantly and in a couple of weeks time (1 - 7 March) we are hosting teams of volunteers who are coming to help speed the process up!

Last weekend I had a couple of visitors who travelled up from London town to rural Yorkshire...Leah and Tom.  We had some adventures in the snow, went for a walk at Hack Falls, and had a tour of Black Sheep Brewery.

Today I did a bit of exploring of my own in the moors around the farm where I live, and here is just a little of some of the cool views I saw (shortly after I ripped my jeans on a barbed wire fence trespassing in a neighbouring field).

So, that's me pretty much up to date, give or take a bit of daily life, and I'm sure a few funny incidents I have forgotten for now (such as the village Christmas party I attended last night).  My aim is to attempt to keep this more up to date...let's see how that goes.

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