Print or digital?!

Today I have spent the day at a conference in London titled 'Can publishing save the planet?' - I found it quite thought provoking, but also pretty daunting and scary.  I have believed for a while now that it is important to save the worlds resources, therefore try and encourage the use of recycled paper at work in the office, however I did not know until today the complexities of such actions.  There are many different types and grades of recycled paper, an accreditation (much like the Fairtrade Foundation accreditation) to say that the trees have come from a sustainable forest and use a certain amount of recycled fibre in the pulp.  Then there is the issue of how to do you get the paper to you...where does it come from, and what is the environmental impact of this?  Then there was another stat about whether it was more environmentally friendly to produce a newspaper article online or in print...and apparently if somebody spends 30 minutes reading an article(s) on the computer, this is more damaging to the environment than the process of a paper being printed and somebody owning a copy of the paper - however if they are only reading it for 10 mins, then it is more environmentally friendly to access the article(s) digitally....basically I have come away from the conference today confused!  Some things to think about in any case, it just appears to me to be a lose lose situation.

Anyway, I am now back in Lincoln and attempting to book my travel insurance for forthcoming trip - but my computers memory is low so I am in the process of deleting the cookies to free up some space...ooh, looks like I am done...night

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Well, today I booked my flight - I fly to Thailand on 25th Feb, still seems quite a way off, but I'm pretty sure it will come round quickly, its actually pretty exciting.  Now need to get saving saving saving saving so I have some money to take away with me, as I have just spent the majority of what I had on the flights!

Woo hoo, 5 months and I am off...

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I love to travel

So, tomorrow I am booking my flights - quite excited as it means I will have a date to aim for, but also means this is real and I am really going away...there is no turning back, kind of daunting that I am actually committing to going away after all my saving, but I am now starting to properly look forward to it!

I have started this blog again because I thought I would use it as a way of letting people (who are bored enough to be interested and read about it) know what I am getting up to whilst I am away.

Now I need to try and figure how to link it to my iphone - I have downloaded wordpress but can't seem to get it to connect to this blog - if anyone knows how I can do this, please let me know, otherwise I will have to ask some of my more tech savvy friends.

For now, however, it is time for bed. I got a little addicted to Supernanny this evening and have just watched 2 episodes, and now it has somehow got to 11.40pm, a productive evening however, as I have managed to get everything done that I wanted to = result.

Hope you like the new layout...thanks Cameron for helping me work out how to change it!

Can't work out how to change the size of the picture, so looks like I will just have to have it massive...this is me and Cameron at Hardwick Hall today!

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Hmm, I've just been trying to download a better template for my blog as I aim to start using it more, but can't seem to do it, giving up for now and going to bed!

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