Day 2 - I'm not bored of porridge yet...

I decided pretty early on that it would be better to buy in bulk and price up a portion of food, rather than go shopping with £5 and see what I could buy.  Buying in bulk enables a more varied diet but still within a budget.  You do need to have the ability to make large purchases up front though, outlaying more than £5 initially in order to have food in the house and ingredients to use.  I am lucky that I was able to do that, and haven't actually bought anything (other than a butternut squash) from the shops so far this week.

So, menu of the day consisted of:

Breakfast - Porridge, made with water and a drizzle of sultanas - 6p

This was alright, but I think I preferred it with the sweetener, it was, er, sweeter and less gloopy.  Might revert back to that or try something else, ooh excitement, watch this space.

Snack - a nectarine - 15p

Lunch - Spicy butternut squash soup - 31p

A few people have asked me for the recipe, so here it is:

Ingredients (for 6 portions)
1 x butternut squash - 75p
a sprinkle of nutmeg
2 x potatoes - 31p
2 x carrots - 15p
1 x onion - 18p
1 x chilli - 10p
1 pint veg stock - 7p 
a handful fresh coriander - 10p
200ml milk (optional) - 20p 

1 - Peel the butternut squash and cut it in half.  Put it in a baking tray with a small amount of water in the bottom to stop it from sticking to the pan.  Sprinkle some nutmeg on it and then put it in the oven and roast until soft.

2 - Put an onion, a chilli, 2 carrots and 2 potatoes, all chopped up into a pan and fry with a small amount of butter for about 10 minutes.

3 - Add a pint of stock and cook for a further 20 minutes.

4 - Remove the squash from the oven when cooked and cut into small pieces, then add to the stock mixture and cook for a further couple of minutes.

5 - You may want to add a little more stock at this point to bulk it out a bit and make it go further.  Blend with a hand blender until smooth.

6 - Add your milk to give it a smooth texture and blend/stir again.  

7 - Serve yourself a portion and put the rest in to plastic containers suitable for the freezer and freeze for another day!

Although I had this yesterday I still enjoyed it today.  I usually have the same thing for lunch everyday anyway as it's easy to prepare and I don't have to think about it before work!  It would maybe be a nice idea to make a few different soups and freeze them in portions so you can have a variety of flavours throughout the week.

Ok, my menu continued....

Snack - an apple - 5p

Dinner - a Jacket Potato with beans and a splattering of cheese - 43p

Total spend = £1

No headaches today so my body must be getting used to the lack of sugar/caffeine!  I've managed to resist a lot of cake and biscuits again today that were in the staff room at work so my self control is also getting a testing this week.

Thanks again to everyone who has already sponsored me and donated to Raleigh International!

Day 2 = complete.

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