Having a flaming good time on 'The Beach'

So here I am on Koh Phi Phi (pronounced pee pee).  Koh Phi Phi was really badly hit in the tsunami in December 2004, but have managed to build everything up again with the help from international volunteers and local people.  Being here now you would hardly know anything had happened, but as you wander around there are a few bits where you can see the remains of buildings.  The other night I ate in a restaurant where the guy who owns it said he was nearly killed in the tsunami, trapped underneath a building and was lucky to survive, he lost everything, but his english mate, John, had helped him to start up his own business (where I ate). 

I went on a little boat trip around the islands the other day and did a bit of snorkelling.  The fish flipping love me, and enjoyed nibbling my legs too, I enjoyed this less, but it was fun swimming with the fishes!

We got to go to Monkey Island and see some monkeys up close, I also have monkeys running around the place where I am staying, thought they were cute until I got too close to one the other day and it squawked at me.

This is the beach where 'The Beach' was filmed (apparently this was over 10 years ago, but still brings the tourists in!).

The nightlife on Koh Phi Phi is pretty cool, they have a load of fire tricks and shows on the beach.  The other night they had a flaming ring you could go and jump through...

Before you ask, no, I didn't have a go.  I am well aware of my limits and the fact I can occassionally be a tad clumsy...much as I do love a good bit of fire though. 
Last night I watched an amazing fire show on the beach, which included a girl using a flaming hula hoop and some guys doing some fire dancing...

It's surprising how tiring lying on the beach, eating and sleeping can be.  That's about it for the last few days, just been chilling on the beach.  There are no weekends for travellers you know, got to find your time to relax! 

36 more hours here and then I am back to Phuket for the night, then I fly to Singapore!

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1 Response to "Having a flaming good time on 'The Beach'"

  1. Traveller'sfriend, on 19 April 2010 at 14:23 said:


    This is my ultimate holiday destination.

    Looks amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!

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