The bum gun
Today I came to stay with Charlotte (my friend who is living here at the moment, working for some NGO's) for a few days. Where Charlotte lives, it is on the outskirts of the City, so there are no tourists in her area, and as such, no-one really speaks any English, which has made me realise I am going to have to make some effort to learn some Khymer (Cambodian) - so far I have been lazy and only learnt 'thankyou' - 'aw kwon'. I tried to get a moto to the market and he looked at me like I was crazy, even when I tried to say it in Khymer, a tuk tuk driver then came by who spoke a little english and translated to the guy what I was saying and he laughed and then spent the whole journey teaching me how to say it properly...I am pretty sure I still don't have it!
Charlotte has arranged for me to do some volunteering whilst I am here which is cool. I went to meet with the guy who runs the charity (NGO) this afternoon, he is called Pany. My job is to go and visit some of the projects they work on and take some new photos for them so they can update their brochures/website etc. Should be a really good way of experiencing some rural Cambodia...I am going on a 3 day road trip with 4 others (all Cambodians) to stay in someones house about 3 hours away and visit the projects - he kindly reminded me to pack some diahorrea tablets, common problem with westerners apparently, I will endeavour to remember these. Reckon I might also learn some Khymer, out of necessity if nothing else!
I don't think I have mentioned the toilets yet. I have been to long drops in other countries before and ones where you have to put the paper in a bin, but here you get a pretty forceful hose plumbed in next to the loo and generally, no paper. It was kind of weird to begin with, but I am getting a little used to it...
Hope you have an amazing time on your visits to the projects. Sounds fascinating x
Nice. Having just read this, it pretty much covers my questions in the email I sent earlier today, so you can ignore that! The road trips sounds pretty cool!
So how do you dry after the Bum Gun experience?
Can you upload a live film of you on the Bum Gum?
No Kate you sicko, I am not uploading a demo