Anyway, highlight of the day so far, Leah and myself had a fish massage, which consists of sticking your feet in a tank of fish (no idea what type) and they eat all the dead skin off your feet - it was the weirdest thing ever and when I asked the lady why they seemed to be flocking around my feet more than Leah's, she just said 'dead skin', I got the point, but not anymore eh, oh no, smooth as. It was weird though, and I also got a thing today so I can upload my pics, you might be lucky enough to see it...
Tomorrow we are off to Ko Chang!
The eagle has landed...
Saturday, February 27, 2010 | Posted by Hazel
So, I am here, in Bangkok! It is pretty much like nowhere I have ever been before, which is exactly what I wanted it to be.
I met Leah at the airport in Bangkok, both inappropriately dressed for the excessive heat that is Bangkok, it is so hot, and is taking my pasty little body a while to adjust to. We have all just enjoyed a wee siesta.
This morning we got up bright and early and went to 'Wat Po', a temple, they love temples and its amazing how gold it is - I took some pictures obviously, but I can't work out how to load them to the computer, so you might have to wait for those.
We have also been on a river taxi, a few hairy 'normal' taxi rides (the drivers here are crazy, yes, even I can say that, and it seems to be permanently rush hour), eaten lots of thai food and wandered around some shops and markets. I have tried my hand at haggling to buy some flipflops, Sabrina told me I could have gone lower, but I'm a learner, I'm sure I can work my way up to her standards...who, is keeping us on our toes as she has already lost her passport and purse...needless to say they have both been found, panic not.
The plane food, for all those plane food lovers out there, consisted of a Thai chicken curry and cheesecake with a full english breakfast (well, as full as you can get in a small microwaveable container with a slightly rubbery consistency). Lovely.
I am in Bangkok for 2 days in total, and we leave on Monday to go to Ko Chang, an island between here and Cambodia, I am pretty excited about the island.
I met Leah at the airport in Bangkok, both inappropriately dressed for the excessive heat that is Bangkok, it is so hot, and is taking my pasty little body a while to adjust to. We have all just enjoyed a wee siesta.
This morning we got up bright and early and went to 'Wat Po', a temple, they love temples and its amazing how gold it is - I took some pictures obviously, but I can't work out how to load them to the computer, so you might have to wait for those.
We have also been on a river taxi, a few hairy 'normal' taxi rides (the drivers here are crazy, yes, even I can say that, and it seems to be permanently rush hour), eaten lots of thai food and wandered around some shops and markets. I have tried my hand at haggling to buy some flipflops, Sabrina told me I could have gone lower, but I'm a learner, I'm sure I can work my way up to her standards...who, is keeping us on our toes as she has already lost her passport and purse...needless to say they have both been found, panic not.
The plane food, for all those plane food lovers out there, consisted of a Thai chicken curry and cheesecake with a full english breakfast (well, as full as you can get in a small microwaveable container with a slightly rubbery consistency). Lovely.
I am in Bangkok for 2 days in total, and we leave on Monday to go to Ko Chang, an island between here and Cambodia, I am pretty excited about the island.
The Life of Hazel Swan
Thursday, February 25, 2010 | Posted by Hazel
So, finally I packed today, didn't actually take that long and here I am, sat on the plane, about to turn off my phone. I've said so many goodbyes this week this moment seems to have taken a long time to come round. I'm sure I have more interesting things to say but the man on the tannoy is putting me off and it hasn't really sunk in that I'm going away, just feel like I'm sat on a plane at the moment. Can smell the plane food, quite excited about that, I love a bit of plane food...right, best turn phone off, next post will be from Thailand!!
Finish work until September...check
Wednesday, February 24, 2010 | Posted by Hazel
Yesterday was my last day at work before I go away, I don't think it has really sunk in though, I haven't gone in today and it feels a bit weird, like I should have done. I'm pretty sure I will get used to being off though, I am sure it won't take long!
Today is the day of the dreaded packing...I don't know why I hate it so much, but part of me thinks it might be because I hate the idea of forgetting anything and somehow by not packing, I haven't forgotten anything, I just haven't done anything!
I think I have got everything I need now, I whipped around town yesterday afternoon getting a couple of bits, which included a camera lens cap, camera memory cards, padlock and toothbrush I have pretty much got everything covered now.
I was hoping I could have done something fun today with my day off, but I keep thinking I should really pack...maybe I'll run round packing now and then after lunch I can go out...oooh, let's see how that goes...
to Hull and back...
Friday, February 19, 2010 | Posted by Hazel
So had a little road trip to Hull this morning. The Thai consulate was not what I is on a retail park type place in a grey corrugated building...thanks to the clever signage I found it eventually, and was able to get what I had gone for...£66 later.

I asked some friends to make me some playlists for my iPod to take away with me and a couple of people have now given them to me, they are loaded on and ready to take, love it.
Just been hanging out with a load of baby lovers at Sutton baby shower, was fun, the sling went down a treat.
I do believe it's 5 days til lift off now, woah...
Visa schmiza
Thursday, February 18, 2010 | Posted by Hazel
Wowsers, I just gained myself an hour, I really thought it was 11pm, but it's 10pm, bonus!
Today was my last night with Louis (the 2 year old I look after in the evenings), we had a good time, he is about as good at farewells as me, so it made for a perfect match, yes, you guessed it, tears all over the place.
So I found out yesterday that I am supposed to have organised some kind of visa for getting in to Thailand because of the length of time I am there, and the fact I am going to Cambodia in the middle, and the fact that I am planning on doing some volunteering - basically I was going to send my passport off today, but some friends made me think that maybe that wasn't a great idea, so I am driving to Hull and back first thing in the morning, I guess I should count myself lucky that of all places in the UK, the Thai embassy is in Hull!
Just been out for dinner with Gemma and her friend Ane. Ane is from Denmark and she is Danish. I don't know why I am so thick, but I can't seem to grasp the fact that Danish people come from Denmark (I have just about memorised it by thinking of danish pastries), I am totally convinced she is Dutch (I even just wrote it and had to delete it) - does anyone else make this mistake or am I actually just thick? Ane went for the 'I am thick' option.
A week today I will be sat on the aeroplane on my way to Bangkok...nope, still not really sunk in - I think I am going to have to wait until I am at the airport before the realisation actually kicks in.
Tomorrow we are going out for lunch to celebrate me and the 2 x preggos leaving, sounds good to me. I brought Helen a present for the baby today, I think its really cool and kind of want to keep it for myself, but wouldn't have much use for it without the accessory of a baby to go with it.
Right, think I might make use of this extra hour I have just found myself with. TBC...
Fancy dress and black paint...
Sunday, February 14, 2010 | Posted by Hazel
Last night was my leaving party, yay! The theme was fancy dress, something to do with one of the countries I am visiting, so naturally, I chose to be an aborigine, see if you can work out which one was me and which one was my's pretty tricky, I'll warn you now...
Believe it or not, I'm not a big fancy dresser-upper, but had a great time last night! I was well impressed by all the effort everyone made, there were some right contenders there, ranging from hamburgers to mosquitos...(if you are my friend, check out my facebook for more photos). Thanks to everyone for coming to my party to send me off, whatever your motives were, I loved it that you came!
Today marks 11 days until departure, I still have the feeling that I should have done something that I have forgotten, but because I have forgotten it, I don't know what that something is, so I guess I can't do anything about it, until I remember.
Dexter update - got 6 episodes left...might get a couple of those under my belt this evening.
I hate tagging people on facebook I have decided, I swear it just took me half an hour.
Right, I promised a few people yesterday that I would make my blog interesting, so am not going to ramble on about rubbish. For now, cheerio.
Believe it or not, I'm not a big fancy dresser-upper, but had a great time last night! I was well impressed by all the effort everyone made, there were some right contenders there, ranging from hamburgers to mosquitos...(if you are my friend, check out my facebook for more photos). Thanks to everyone for coming to my party to send me off, whatever your motives were, I loved it that you came!
Today marks 11 days until departure, I still have the feeling that I should have done something that I have forgotten, but because I have forgotten it, I don't know what that something is, so I guess I can't do anything about it, until I remember.
Dexter update - got 6 episodes left...might get a couple of those under my belt this evening.
I hate tagging people on facebook I have decided, I swear it just took me half an hour.
Right, I promised a few people yesterday that I would make my blog interesting, so am not going to ramble on about rubbish. For now, cheerio.
I hate snow
Tuesday, February 09, 2010 | Posted by Hazel
So, today I met a friend for coffee and we talked about my travel plans and it started to get me a bit excited about the aforementioned forthcoming trip! It might finally be sinking in that it's only 2 weeks away!
Got some more info about potential volunteering opportunities today which I've been reading through and I reckon I've found some good ones, so should definately have something sorted by the end of the week for that!
Plans for the first couple of weeks with Sabrina and Leah are also progressing, managed to scare Sabrina enough for her to go and get some malaria tablets from the doctors - told her about this programme I watched about tropical diseases...
I'm currently sat in my car, the weather is gross outside which is putting me off exiting the vacinity. It keeps trying to snow, I really wish it wouldn't, I'm really quite bored of it now and ready for some sunny days!
Ok, car is now pretty freezing, fingers going numb is a good indicator - a flaw with iPhones, cold fingers don't work so well. Ok, making a dash for it now...
Got some more info about potential volunteering opportunities today which I've been reading through and I reckon I've found some good ones, so should definately have something sorted by the end of the week for that!
Plans for the first couple of weeks with Sabrina and Leah are also progressing, managed to scare Sabrina enough for her to go and get some malaria tablets from the doctors - told her about this programme I watched about tropical diseases...
I'm currently sat in my car, the weather is gross outside which is putting me off exiting the vacinity. It keeps trying to snow, I really wish it wouldn't, I'm really quite bored of it now and ready for some sunny days!
Ok, car is now pretty freezing, fingers going numb is a good indicator - a flaw with iPhones, cold fingers don't work so well. Ok, making a dash for it now...
Sitting in the dark scares people
Sunday, February 07, 2010 | Posted by Hazel
So, I just managed to make Gemma, my housemate jump out of her skin and scream in my face, I screamed back accidentally, apparently waiting in the dark for your housemate to finish in the bathroom (technically it wasn't dark, the kitchen light was shining through, just the room I was in didn't have the light on...details) is scary.
To get you up to speed, the rescheduled dentist appointment is tomorrow - got a little paranoid when I woke up with a cough this morning, then reignited it by choking on a piece of beef at lunch, but I'm feeling ok now - fingers crossed there's no chokey tomorrow...
Cooked my first roast beef Sunday lunch today, my guests all said they liked it, whether they were just being polite or not is irrelevant really, went down a treat.
18 days til I leave now, still time is going slowly, the leaving party is creeping up though - next sat to get my fancy dress competition going, there are some serious contenders, Alex and Becky to name a couple, if you're reading this and haven't thought of anything yet, the stakes are high...get thinking.
So many volunteering options, I really need to narrow them down and sort out what I'm doing, or I'll end up with nothing.
Ooh, and also, finished reupholstering my dining chairs yesterday, can finally tick it off my list of things to do before I fly!

To get you up to speed, the rescheduled dentist appointment is tomorrow - got a little paranoid when I woke up with a cough this morning, then reignited it by choking on a piece of beef at lunch, but I'm feeling ok now - fingers crossed there's no chokey tomorrow...
Cooked my first roast beef Sunday lunch today, my guests all said they liked it, whether they were just being polite or not is irrelevant really, went down a treat.
18 days til I leave now, still time is going slowly, the leaving party is creeping up though - next sat to get my fancy dress competition going, there are some serious contenders, Alex and Becky to name a couple, if you're reading this and haven't thought of anything yet, the stakes are high...get thinking.
So many volunteering options, I really need to narrow them down and sort out what I'm doing, or I'll end up with nothing.
Ooh, and also, finished reupholstering my dining chairs yesterday, can finally tick it off my list of things to do before I fly!
Mobile practice
Tuesday, February 02, 2010 | Posted by Hazel
My new mate...Poramin
Tuesday, February 02, 2010 | Posted by Hazel
So, has helped me to buy myself a new mate. They have put me in touch with a local in Thailand and we have been having some e-mail conversations and I am hoping that he can put me in touch with some charities in Thailand that might have some volunteering opportunities that I could help with when I am there...all is looking good so far and have only had to hand over £35, so we're quids in compared to the other options I have researched.
My new bag arrived on Friday by the way, I'm pretty pumped about it, loving it so far! It will be perfect for fitting in my belongings when I am travelling, so I am very pleased with my choice...seems I am pretty easily pleased.
23 days to go...still seems like ages away, but I'm sure it will come round quick enough. My shopping list so far consists of a universal plug and a lens cap for my camera.
Another thrilling installment of Hazel's travel arrangements will be added soon, don't you worry.
My new bag arrived on Friday by the way, I'm pretty pumped about it, loving it so far! It will be perfect for fitting in my belongings when I am travelling, so I am very pleased with my choice...seems I am pretty easily pleased.
23 days to go...still seems like ages away, but I'm sure it will come round quick enough. My shopping list so far consists of a universal plug and a lens cap for my camera.
Another thrilling installment of Hazel's travel arrangements will be added soon, don't you worry.
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