So, Ruth has convinced me that the volunteering I am thinking of signing up to sounds be fair, I kinda thought it did myself, else I guess I probably wouldn't have asked her opinion...maybe I will have to go back to the drawing board on that one...although having just done a bit more research now, there are quite a few charities out there, I just need to spend a bit of time going through them and sifting out the wheat from the chaf, as it were.
I only have 10 mins left of my current episode of Dexter, so might have to pause this just to finish that off...
Ok, tick. There is only one left of Season 2 now...I really want to watch it, argh, decisions...maybe I just will.
So, the moral of this tale is, I am easily distracted, and more research is clearly needed before I start handing my dosh over to dodgy sounding organisations to do some volunteering. Tune in next time for more...
I only have 10 mins left of my current episode of Dexter, so might have to pause this just to finish that off...
Ok, tick. There is only one left of Season 2 now...I really want to watch it, argh, decisions...maybe I just will.
So, the moral of this tale is, I am easily distracted, and more research is clearly needed before I start handing my dosh over to dodgy sounding organisations to do some volunteering. Tune in next time for more...